NorthStar Capital, Inc.  - Investment Managers
 Company Background Invetment Professionals Investment Philosophy Investment Solutions Client Service Investment Review/Outlook
    Investment Solutions Stock Portfolios Nalanced Portfolios Fixed Income Portfolios   Investment Solutions

Each client has unique circumstances and investment needs, and at NorthStar Capital we strive first to identify those needs and then to solve them through the construction of individual customized portfolios. In so doing, we establish with all clients their preferred investment horizon, risk tolerance, cash flow needs and any other special requirements.

At the same time, we also want clients to feel comfortable with our approach and to understand where we see opportunity in the markets and where we may see vulnerability. Our view, which we communicate regularly, may often stand in stark contrast to the prevailing consensus.

In general, we believe common stocks of well managed, rapidly growing companies bought at reasonable valuations present the best opportunity to create wealth for investors with multi-year time horizons. However, some clients may have more immediate cash flow or other needs, and for them a blend of stocks, bonds, convertibles, and preferreds will often represent the best solution. Accordingly, we manage a number of balanced and fixed income accounts in addition to our mainstay equity growth vehicles.

 We believe common stocks of well managed, rapidly growing companies bought at reasonable valuations present the best opportunity to create wealth for investors with multi-year time horizons.