NorthStar Capital, Inc.  - Investment Managers
 Company Background Invetment Professionals Investment Philosophy Investment Solutions Holdings & Performance Client Service Investment Review/Outlook

 Investment Solutions Largest Holdings Investment Performance 1  Investment Performance 2   Holdings & Performance

In the management of our equity or stock portfolios, NorthStar Capital seeks to produce investment returns which compare favorably with the appropriate market index after accounting for our management fee. It is our experience that stocks which have superior growth characteristics, profitability, and financial strength are likely to outperform in our equity portfolios. Our goal is to own the future leaders, rather than simply picking the stocks of companies which have been successful in the past. While the old leaders may seem familiar and comfortable, they may often disappoint. The new leaders are the ones we want to discover and own for our clients. We show below a representative list of our largest holdings and the investment record we have achieved with our equities and our overall investment accounts.

 Photo Our goal is to own the future leaders, rather than simply picking the stocks of companies which have been successful in the past.